NSW Catastrophic fire danger leads to NPWS closing the majority of parks in NSW amid the worsening fire conditions.
As you’d probably have guessed, the National Parks and Wildlife Service of NSW has closed the majority of national parks across the state due to the catastrophic fire danger. Some parks remain open, however considering the catastrophic fire danger in the Hunter, Sydney and Illawarra areas, and extreme danger across much of the rest of the state, today would be the day you would put off a visit.
A list of the closures can be found here, and these closures include all roads, tracks, trails, campground and picnic areas across those parks.
If you are in a bushfire prone area today, make sure you’ve got a bag packed ready to go with things like medications, toiletries, important documents valuables and photos, and anything else important. Make sure if you’re going to leave, you are organised to leave early and don’t forget to take the furry family members.
Stay safe out there folks, and if you’re in an area known for fires, it might be worth packing up the family and heading out now.