By Unsealed 4X4 2 Min Read

It doesn’t happen often, you know – with the pressures of pumping out the biggest four-wheel drive magazine in the country, amongst other things – but we decided it was high time to get the entire Unsealed 4X4 team out of the office and out camping. From the accounts person, to the journalists and editors and sales team, we all knocked off early and jumped into our four-wheel drives. We’re spoilt for locations working in the NSW Blue Mountains, but we decided on the Turon River 30km or so past Lithgow. The driving is nice and scenic yet relaxed; however there are several water crossings to negotiate that can rise quickly with a few millimetres of rain. We also had a Toyota Rav 4 with us for the trip, which kept the pace. It must be said we were very surprised at just how far we could take it, and the only issues came from Deputy Editor Ev’s GQ which sprung a random oil leak.


For images, videos and the full Unsealed 4X4 experience, read this in our online magazine.


With a legendary fire and roast cooking away, followed by some top conversations that night, it reminded all of us how good this way of life really is. Especially as deadlines and content production were banned this time around. Yep, just a good old-fashioned off-road camping trip with a top group of people. Sure beats a few drinks after work at a seedy pub for a team building exercise, eh!


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