By Unsealed 4X4 4 Min Read

Welcome to the first issue of Unsealed 4X4 for 2017. Hope you all had a killer holiday break and got out to see some of this spectacular joint we call home. Make sure you drop us an email with all of your pics and stories of your adventures – we always get a kick out of seeing them.




Right, pleasantries out of the way, let’s get down to it.

I have a question for you.

It’ll probably come as no surprise to any of you to hear that I love this lifestyle. Getting out, seeing the bush, being more in tune with nature than any politician who loves to close gates has ever been and generally just escaping the rat race for a few glorious days, or (if you play your cards right) weeks. We all know that feeling, we all chase it, and we all live for it.


But is four-wheel driving the only thing you’re into?

I’m lucky enough to call many 4X4 enthusiasts mates, and while every single one of them works hard to get those ‘low-range, a million miles from anywhere’ experiences, they also use their 4WDs as tools to engage their other passions.


I’m talking motorbikes, boats, fishing, diving, go-carts, side-by-sides, quads, metal detecting, mountain biking, bushwalking, kayaking, hunting, remote-controlled vehicles, bushcraft – you name it, I probably know someone who is into it. And you likely do too.


And that’s the great thing about 4X4s. They not only allow us to get out and enjoy the country, they also facilitate us being able to do the other things we all like. Personally, I’m into motorbikes and spearfishing as well as four-wheel driving, and I can’t tell you how many times my vehicle has got me to out-of-the-way beaches with some fantastic bommies just offshore, or towed my bike to the top of tracks that a 2WD would have no hope of reaching. It’s not just about getting to a destination; it’s also about what you can do when you get there.


So here’s my question:

Would you guys like to see more of this sort of stuff in Unsealed 4X4? I’m not saying we’ll ditch all of our 4WD content (in fact we’ve got plans to ramp it up)… but I was more thinking of incorporating a sort of ‘toys’ article into each issue. Those other things that we all either want to try, or have been doing for years. What do you reckon?


It was just a thought I had over the holidays, and it may well be the stupidest idea since male cyclists thought wearing lycra would be cool; but I just thought I’d put it out there. Much like a dude wearing lycra.


Hit me up with your thoughts below.


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