By Laura Boshammer 2 Min Read

The Ryebuck Lite from Blackwolf is a bit of a featherweight in the camping scene, weighing in at just 4.2kg. Blackwolf claims the overall size of the swag has been reduced by almost 70% – packing into a roll 60cm x 20cm x 20cm. Think of it like a Lemon Detox Diet for your camping gear; and coming into summer I’m sure we could all shed a few kilos (no offence). This is achievable as no mattress is supplied with the Ryebuck Lite; instead you will need to supply your own self-inflator. The chief construction material is a polyester blend that further reduces weight and overall packed dimensions. It is refreshing to see a company releasing swags that are smaller and lighter – making them a practical solution for those with smaller vehicles as well as motorbike tourers and hikers.

Priced from: $329

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