Fed up with having to knead a simple damper? Try my knead-free version, you’ll love it!
Makes 1 Damper | Time 25 minutes
METHOD: Grease your camp oven really well with butter. Heat to medium, placing coals around the outside and on the lid, but not underneath (to prevent burning). You won’t need a lot of coals. Beat all the other ingredients together in a large bowl. The texture will be more like a heavy cake mix than a dough. Pour into your prepared camp oven and bake for 20-25 minutes until cooked and golden on the top.
CHEESY DAMPER BOMB: Cook your damper for around 10 minutes until you get a solid crust top and bottom. Then, cut out a hole on top to fit in the cheese. Scoop out a ladel-sized amount of damper from the hole, pop in the cheese and then replace the damper mix and cheese. Cook for another 15 minutes and serve. Delish!
» 2 cups self-raising fl our
» 1-2 cups milk
» 2 pinches salt
» 3 teaspoons sugar
» Butter for greasing
your camp oven
» Bruny Island ‘Saint’ Cheese or camembert / brie styled cheese