For many people, a good cup of coffee in the morning is the only thing that will get them out of bed. But what do you do when travelling, and would prefer anything other than the dirt water you find at service stations? Well, you look into a personal coffee maker such as the Minipresso GR from Wacaco. This device is tiny, and as such will only produce a 50ml shot of espresso at a time; but considering how many awards the Minipresso has won, it would be a fair assumption that it makes a darn fine brew. Simply add coffee and hot water, unlock the plunger and pump it a few times… COFFEE! It arrives complete with everything you need (including built-in espresso cup and scoop), and is small enough to fit easily in a glove box or backpack.
Priced from: $59 USD
For more information
Where can I buy this in Australia
Check it out on EBay. $78 delivered for pod machine.
$58US, free shipping from the manufacturer. Why use fleabay?
we bought ours from the local Jasper Coffee cafe/retailer
Ray’s has them.
Great little gadget – just be aware that the portafilter is very, very small!
Mountain designs has them on sale for $60
I have one that uses Nepresso pods . LOT of effort to get a small coffee (short black) out of it. Only bit better than a toy in my opinion. 1 star rating from me.
It needs a source of boiling water anyway for it so I have reverted back to a small 1 cup expresso machine – lot less effort to get a 25 mL coffee in the bush
I saw one at Mountain designs