By Evan Spence 2 Min Read

Have a bad habit of sticking your 4X4 in places it really shouldn’t be? Had a winch ‘not fit for a king’ let you down? Want to actually dominate and not just have a sticker that says you do? Chances are, you’re going to want to have a go at these new WARN ZEON Platinum winches. These are WARN’s most advanced offerings to date and bring with them double the durability, 20% faster line speed and extreme waterproofing. The wireless remote not only controls the winch, but also the free spool and other 12V accessories. WARN offers 10,000lb and 12,000lb models, with high performance motors and up to 30 metres of 9.5mm Spydura Synthetic Rope. The winches also monitor volts and battery capacity from the remote, and keep an eye on motor temperature so you don’t cook it. Oh, and they’ve been corrosion tested by being sprayed with salt water for 400 hours too. Pretty serious bit of winch. But let’s face it – considering where we all end up sticking our vehicles at one time or another, a winch is something you don’t ever want to let you down.


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