By Laura Boshammer 1 Min Read


Fallen trees are an inevitable part of off-road life, especially if you live near heavily forested areas. But how do you clear a path without carrying a cumbersome petrol powered chainsaw?

Well the answer, my friends, will actually fit neatly into your pocket. Introducing the Atka Pocket Chainsaw, a very clever bit of kit that replaces horsepower with manpower. Think about this like dental floss, but for cutting through trees. The back-and-forth cutting motion might seem ineffective, however when you consider there are 124 bi-directional teeth running across a 71cm band, the manufacturers claim the Pocket Chainsaw can cut through an 8cm branch in just 10 seconds! Pretty impressive for something that weighs only 140g and fits into a pocket size tin.

Priced from $45 


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