This month we call bulls#!t on dual-cab tow-ratings, take a look at a gorgeous from the front heinous from the back six-figure Merc, show you how high-lift jacks are the best and worst accessory you can ever own… and oh yeah, we also drop into places like the Cape, Lorella Springs and Salvator Rosa because we like to live life right. Plus we check out a luxury apartment on wheels, put to rest the great debate over camping set-ups and crown a Land Rover the most Aussie 4X4 of all time… yep, you read that right.
Your article on towing capacity of UTEs does not emphasize what adds to the GVM such as the tow ball down load, larger fuel tanks and the extra fuel, also the weights of bullbar and the canopy, all of which can quickly bring up the weight of the UTE to the allowed GVM.