New Recreational Vehicle Toll Rebate for large trailers in NSW

By Unsealed 4X4 3 Min Read

The NSW toll increase for large recreational vehicle users has been offset by a rebate – but only NSW residents are able to claim the large recreational vehicle toll rebate.

Although NSW residents who tow a caravan, boat or horse float will be overjoyed by the move, it will hardly win favour with interstate travellers – when the opportunity to move freely comes again – as they will still have to swallow the toll charge that categorises them as large vehicle, meaning they’re charged at the same rate as a semi-trailer!

Drivers towing caravans, boats and horse floats with a combination that’s more than 12.5m long and 2.8m high are eligible for the rebate on the tolls for Sydney’s motorways. The scheme applies to all of Sydney’s toll roads except the Harbour Bridge and Harbour Tunnel.

The scheme will also apply to motorways that will open to traffic in coming months, including the new NorthConnex and the WestConnex M5 East/M8.

The scheme came into effect from 1 June, 2020, with the rebate capped at eight toll trips per month. Transport for NSW claims it will have the claim system up and running as soon as possible.

For more information or to register for the rebate scheme click here.

The rebate is the difference between the Class B and the Class A toll, and it will be available for private-use vehicles only.

To be eligible for the rebate you must:

  • Be a NSW resident
  • Have both the car and towed recreational vehicle registered in NSW for private, pensioner or charitable use
  • Register with your toll tag provider for the recreational vehicle rebate
  • Have travelled on a NSW toll road with a car, caravan, boat, or horse float combination detected as a Class B vehicle, and had a Class B toll charged to your toll account
  • Have paid Class B tolls with your NSW issued electronic tag
  • Have paid the toll in full
  • Claim your rebate within 12 months after you receive your toll statement.

You can submit your claim to your toll tag provider when you receive your toll statement. Rebates will be paid directly into your nominated bank account and, as mentioned, the scheme will be backdated to 1 June, 2020.

Hopefully the scheme will eventually be extended to all non-business travellers wherever they live, but we’re not holding our breath.


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