Terrain Tamer releases Heavy Duty Wheel Bearing kits

Terrain Tamer tells us these kits have been designed with two main end users in mind. Heavy towers, or those operating in extreme conditions.

By Unsealed 4X4 3 Min Read

Hard parts and general 4×4 experts, Terrain Tamer, have recently expanded their range of wheel bearing kits. Now, they also offer a range of Heavy Duty Wheel Bearing Kits to suit many popular 4x4s. But who should buy these Heavy Duty Wheel Bearing Kits? 

What’s the story?

Terrain Tamer tells us, these kits have been designed and engineered with two main end users in mind. Their brief was to design and manufacture wheel bearings that offer an extended service life, in four-wheel drives which are used for either heavy towing, or those operating in extreme conditions. Now, we don’t want to speak for you, but that sure does sound like many four-wheel drivers would fall into those categories. 

The bearings 

One thing you shouldn’t cheap out on, is bearings. Any bearing. Be it for your skateboard or four-wheel drive. Terrain Tamer clearly agrees with this point, and only sells made-in-Japan bearings in their Heavy Duty Wheel Bearing Kits. These feature a Rockwell Hardness Rating that is 2.5 times higher than original equipment wheel bearing found in most vehicles. To keep them lasting, the manufacturer has employed an upgraded heat treatment procedure, for longer service life. 

The seals 

Terrain Tamer Heavy Duty Wheel Bearing Kits are just that, a kit. Which means they come with everything you need parts-wise to get the job done. While the supplied bearings are of high quality, the seals supplied also have a big job to do. This is why Terrain Tamer includes seals that feature a Labyrinth construction which they say prevents oil loss. They are a clever design too, that rotate on the internal surface, which eliminates wear and tear on components. These seals also utilised four sealing surfaces, which protect against contaminants. 

What makes and models 

At the time of writing, Terrain Tamer has a wide range of Heavy Duty Wheel Bearing kits. These are available to some of the most popular 4x4s on the market. This includes kits for:  

* Great Wall 

* Holden 

* Isuzu  

* Nissan 

* Toyota 

What if you don’t need heavy duty? 

They say variety is the spice of life, so if you don’t feel you need a heavy-duty wheel-bearing solution, Terrain Tamer has other Wheel-Bearing Kits available. It’s best to get in contact with them and see which option the experts feel is right for you. As well as Wheel Bearing Kits, they have bearing to suit transmissions, differentials, transfer cases, and complete swivel hub rebuilds too. Check out the Terrain Tamer Bearing Kits here.  


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