By Evan Spence 1 Min Read

It’s nearly here; the biggest and most comprehensive snatch strap comparison ever conducted!

We broke over 30 snatch straps in a National Accredited Testing Association (NATA) facility to determine the best and worst snatch straps on the market. We went out and bought as many straps as we could find, to undertake the most unbiased independent recovery strap testing in the world.

There are winners, losers and even some snatch straps that should be recalled for safety sake. To find out how each of the straps performed, you are just going to have to wait for the full results in issue #12 of Unsealed 4X4. 

Fill in your details below and you will be the first to receive this feature when it is released. Hey, we’ll even give you a further $50 off the already discounted tyres at Tyroola.


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